First theatre Play "Tibet A year After" on occasion of H.H. The Dalai lama 73th birthday, Oakland CA.
Music with Yungchen Lhamo in Harmony festival, Santa Rosa. CA in S.F
Blue Mask dance for Tibetan Freedom torch in S.F
Sweetbowl Aukland, CA
Fund raise for Chaksampa opera company
Presidio Chapell, San Fracisco, World Music Festival
Los Angeles Performing Arts Center
New York Yungchen Lhamo CD launch concert
Cape Cod, MA, East coast theater premier "Tibet through red box"
Minneapolis, MN, Fund raise for TIPA.Cultural Performance
Asian art Musium, San Francisco, Cultural Performance with Chaksampa.
Berkely, CA Tibetan Opera show
Ohio University Cultural Performance with Chaksampa.
India Ladakh Feature Film "VALLEY of Flower" (Cast)
Ranchi Jharkhand : Observation on Sweater Business by Tibetans.
Seattle, WA, Seattle Children Theatre (SCT) Children Play)
Seattle Folk life festival (Cultural Performance)
India Dharmsala Feature Film "We are not Monks" (CAST)
Delhi Feature Film "Rutrn to Tibet/ "Poison Charm" (CAST)
India Bodhgaya Theater play and Cultural Performance)
Banglore (Cultural Performance)
Mysore (Cultural Performance)
Russia Moscow Theatre School of Dramatic Art
(Performance on opera sukyi Nima)
Germany Berlin 6th Carnival Festival,org, Henry bold foundation,Berlin(Performance)
(Opera & Cultural performance)
Slovakia Bratislava organize by Lungta Tibet Support Group
(Opera & Cultural performance)
India Kinor Budha Festival
Thailand Changmai World Sacred Music Festival Changmai (Performance)
Australia Queensland Wood Ford Festival, Queensland (Performance)
U.S.A. Seattle Tibet Festival,Seattle Art Centre (Performance)
Los Angeles Asia Pacific Performance Exchange Programe at UCLA
Boston Tibetan Association (Culture Performance)
Philadephia Appeared at Budhhist Centre (Cultural Performance)
Nepal Kathmandu Research
Japan Tokyo Tokyo Summer Festival Festival (Culture Performance)
Australia Wood Ford Wood Ford folk Festival (Culture Performance)
India Sikkim Community Hall, Gangtok (Cultural Performance)
Nepal Dolpo Feature Film, Himalaya/CARAVAN (CAST)
Netherlands Amstradam/other Asian Performung Arts (theatre play)
France Paris Theatre du Soliel (Cultural Performance)
Belgium Brussels Royal Cicus, Brussels (Cultural Performance)
Netherlands Amstradam/other Asian Performing Arts (Cultural Performance)
Belgium Brussels Founder Pact (Cultural Performance)
Germany Berlin Columbia Artist Management Inc. (Cultural Performance)
Morocco Warzazat film Kundun " Film by Martin Scorsese
USA 37 States CAMI 37 States tour (Cultural Performance)
Canada Toronto Roy Thomson Hall and Massey Hall, Toronto (Performance)
Japan Kyoto Bentenshu Religious Organisation (Tibetan Opera)
France Island of Reunion Campagnie Komella (Cultural Performance)
India Mysore (Cultural Performance)
Banglore (Cultural Performance)
Bombay (Cultural Performance)
Germany Berlin Music Tanze vom Dach der welt (Cultural Performance)
Italy Bergamo/others Italia Tibet Association (Cultural Performance)
Belgium Huy Centre Cultural (Cultural Performance)
Liege Theatre de la Place (Cultural Performance)
Ottignies Cultural Centre (Cultural Performance)
Bruxelles Auditorium Passage (Cultural Performance)
Luxembourg Cultural Performance
France Montegnac Festival de Montegnac (Cultural Performance)
Switzerland Geneva 49th United Nation Conventioon on Human Rights (Performance)
Netherlands Amstradam/other H.J. du Silva, Theatre Produkties, Theatre Du Seme,
Theatre Du Rhome Grenoble Alps Congress
India Shimla Summer Festival (Cultural Performance)
France Paris 37 shows in Theatre Renould Baroud (Cultural Performance)
Spain Milano/Others Cultural Performance
United Kingdom London Org,The Tibet Foundation (Cultural Performance)
USA New York Org,Hillyer International, NY (Cultural Performance)
Hawaii Honolulu Kennedy Theatre, University of Hawaii (Cultural Performance)
Mexico Mexico City CASA Tibet (Cultural Performance)
Norway Oslo The Norweygian youth league (Cultural Performance)
Finland Helsinki 23rd Kaustinin folk Music festival (Cultural Performance)
Sweden Stockholm Cultural Performance
Denmark Copenhagen The Danish Tibetan Culture Society (Cultural Performance)
France Montiniac/others Festival de Montignac (Cultural Peformance)
Italy Bergamo/others folk festival Cultural Performance
Spain JACA Folk festival Cultural Performance
Scottland Glasgow Glasgow Garden Festival (Cultural Performance)
United Kingdom London Oxford University
Cornwal WOMAD Festival (Cultural Performance)
Camden Town Assembly Hall (Cultural Performance)
Thame Towersy Folk Festival (Cultural Performance)
Manchester Festival Office (Cultural Performance)
Edinburgh Rose theatre (Cultural Performance)
Hastings The White Rock Theatre (Cultural Performance)
Cardiff Chapter Theature
Switzerland Zurich/others (Cultural Performance)
Geneva (Cultural Performance)
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